
Vet Connect newsletter – Issue 2

Jan 7, 2022 | News

Welcome to the second edition of Vet Connect, this time with a focus on anaesthesia and analgesia. We’re just about catching our breath after another very busy Summer; we hope you and your teams have fared well during this period. As we get close to a time where in-person CPD will become a realistic prospect, we are very much looking forward to seeing you and thanking you in person for your continued support. Keep an eye on our referral reports, website and Facebook page for updates.

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Colin Driver

Tim Sparrow Lumbry Park Vets

Tim Sparrow

Welcoming Clinical Director update

We have recently had the pleasure of welcoming Drs Martina Cambruzzi and Kate Walters to our team. Martina and Kate join us from the universities of Bristol and Cambridge respectively, where they recently completed their residency training. They join our three boarded anaesthetists Karla Borland, Joanne Michou and Maria Chie Niimura del Barrio; who are supported by Marc Amour, newly appointed ECVAA resident in anaesthesia, and our two service-specific interns, Lucy Carter and Alicia Manzano. We are also pleased to announce further strengthening to our internal medicine and diagnostic imaging teams. Drs Shaun Calleja and Dee Mullowney join us from Anderson Moores and the RVC respectively; both have recently passed their certifying examinations for the ACVIM diploma. Dr Mark Plested is an experienced radiologist who has just joined us from the RVC; Mark has recently gained the ECVDI diploma, making him double-boarded and both an American and European Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging, so congratulations and welcome to Mark. In other news at Lumbry Park, we are putting the finishing touches to our intensive care unit. We have invested heavily in this facility in recent months and it is replete with computer-controlled oxygen kennels, high-flow nasal oxygen system, state-of-the-art ICU ventilator an acoustically shielded feline area. Our ECC service is led by Dr Caroline Hirst DipACVECC DipECVECC who joined us this year from Langford; we will focus on Caroline, her team and our new ICU in our next edition. As always, supporting our colleagues in general practice is at the heart of everything we do; we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Thank you for your continued support. Colin Driver and Tim Sparrow For our second edition of Vet Connect our focus is Anaesthesia:

  • Meet the Anaesthesia team
  • Pain clinic case report
  • Community spotlight: Anaesthesia Q&A

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At Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists we offer a wide range of specialist-led services to provide the highest level of care available.

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