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Donough Healy

Clinician in Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue Surgery
  • DVM

Don graduated from Szent Istvan University, Budapest in 2014. His first three years in veterinary practice were spent in a mixed animal practice in the heart of Ireland.  Following this, he focused on surgery and completed a surgical internship at Gilabbey Veterinary Hospital and a rotating internship at Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists.  Don subsequently completed a three year ECVS approved residency programme in small animal surgery at Anderson Moores. In July 2024, Don joined the team at Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists where he enjoys all aspects of orthopaedic and soft tissue small animal surgery and continues to study and prepare for the ECVS board-certifying examination.

During his spare time, Don enjoys sports and staying active, hiking with his dog Zach, a collie crossed with a bernese mountain dog.


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