Sam Taylor

Sam Taylor

Specialist in Internal Medicine and Feline Medicine


  • RCVS Recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine
  • EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
  • BVetMed(Hons)
  • CertSAM
  • Dipl.ECVIM-CA

After graduating from the Royal Vet College, Sam completed internships in practice before a residency in internal medicine at Bristol Vet School. S he was awarded her European Diploma in Internal Medicine in 2009 and shortly after became an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Feline Medicine.  In 2019 Sam was awarded the RCVS Fellowship for contributions to the profession and she is a Member of the Australia and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Feline Medicine and an Associate of The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.  As well as working at Lumbry Park, Sam is the Veterinary Specialist Lead for the International Society of Feline Medicine (International Cat Care) and has published widely and authored books and book chapters.  Sam enjoys teaching and is an Honorary Lecturer in Internal Medicine at Surrey Vet School and lectures internationally on various feline topics.  Sam enjoys treating canine and feline patients and has recently published her research on the treatment of feline infectious peritonitis.

Services we offer

At Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists we offer a wide range of specialist-led services to provide the highest level of care available.

Anaesthesia and Analgesia Icon

Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Cardiology Icon


Emergency Care Icon

Emergency and Critical Care

Dermatology Icon


Internal Medicine Icon

Internal Medicine

Neurology and Neurosurgery Icon

Neurology & Neurosurgery

Oncology Icon


Orthopaedics Icon


Physiotherapy icon


Surgery Icon

Soft Tissue Surgery

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