Núria graduated from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2011. Following a one year rotating internship in the same University, Núria spent three and a half years working in a primary care practice near her home town. During this time she obtained a General Practitioner certificate in Small Animal Surgery. In 2016 she enrolled in a surgical internship in a private referral hospital in Spain (Aúna Especialidades Veterinarias) before moving to the UK.
Núria then joined Fitzpatrick Referrals as a surgical intern in 2018, which was followed by another period working in a charity primary care practice in the UK, a position that involved clinical training of veterinary students of the University of Surrey. Following this, she realised a small animal surgical residency between Fitzpatrick Referrals and AURA Veterinary, finishing in June 2023. Núria joined Lumbry Park as a residency-trained surgeon, working both with the Soft Tissue and Orthopaedic departments and passed the ECVS diploma examination in February 2024, becoming an EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery. Núria enjoys all aspects of small animal surgery, with special interest in fracture repair, cranial cruciate ligament disease, thoracic surgery and wound management.