The Ophthalmology Service at Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists offers high-quality specialist veterinary care using state-of-the-art equipment.
Our service accepts referrals in all aspects of medical and surgical ocular disease. Furthermore, our Ophthalmology service conducts regular BVA/KC/ISDS EYE testing sessions.
If you would like more information or if you are a veterinarian seeking advice on managing a case, please feel free to contact us at 01420 481777 or email us at [email protected] and/or [email protected]. Please email us photos and history of the case you wish to discuss.
We allocate ample time for patient examinations and maintain transparent and friendly communication with pet owners regarding our findings and recommended treatment. During the consultation, we may include the use of slit-lamp biomicroscopy, tonometry, indirect or direct ophthalmoscopy, gonioscopy, ocular ultrasonography, electroretinography, and other basic or advanced diagnostic tests.
Our ophthalmology service is staffed with experienced microsurgeons who have extensive experience in performing complex intra-ocular procedures and corneal grafting surgeries.
Procedures and surgeries:
- Cataract extraction via phacoemulsification including artificial lens implantation
- Lens luxation and instability surgery
- Corneal surgery (grafting, transpositions, keratectomy)
- Treatment of corneal perforation and foreign bodies
- Treatment of traumatic ocular injuries
- Conjunctival surgery
- Treatment of trichiasis, distichiasis and ectopic cilia
- Glaucoma surgery (gonio-implant insertion)
- Face lifts, entropion and ectropion and eyelid reconstruction surgery
- Third eyelid gland surgery
- Third eyelid gland repositioning surgery
- Medial canthoplasty
- Enucleation, exenteration
- Orbitotomy
- Cryosurgery
- Treatment of ocular neoplasia
- Parotid duct transposition
Dedicated to providing exceptional service to our clients and the utmost care for their beloved pets, our team of ophthalmologists offers treatment for a wide range of ocular diseases,
Treatment options we provide for ocular diseases:
- Retrobulbar disease
- Orbital diseases including orbital tumours
- Recurrent conjunctival disease
- Nasolacrimal diseases
- Refractory ‘dry eye’- KCS
- Uveitis
- Glaucoma
- Inherited and acquired retinal disease
- Sudden onset blindness
- Dermato-ophthalmic disease
- Neuro-ophthalmic disease
- Ophthalmic manifestation of systemic disease.
The Team
Renata Stavinohova
Specialist in Ophthalmology
Services we offer
At Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists we offer a wide range of specialist-led services to provide the highest level of care available.